Florence Abejja is a passionate instructor and the head of the Fashion and Design department at Pioneer Technical Institute (PTI). In this interview, she shares her experiences and the positive impact Gered Gereedschap has had on the program, the students, and the instructors.

Florence, can you tell us about your role and experiences at PTI?

Florence: “As the head of the Fashion and Design department, I have the privilege of working with a diverse group of students and talented instructors. We have received a great deal of support from Gered Gereedschap, which has enabled us to improve our education and raise the quality of our programs. This support has greatly benefited not only our institution but also the students and instructors.”

How has Gered Gereedschap specifically contributed to the development of the students?

Florence: “Thanks to Gered Gereedschap’s support, many students who previously struggled to pay their tuition fees have been able to successfully continue their education. This applies both to our national certificate program and to the shorter skills courses under the Directorate of Industrial Training. It is wonderful to see how these students are able to achieve their dreams, and it has greatly improved their motivation and performance.”

What are the benefits that instructors have experienced through Gered Gereedschap’s support?

Florence: “For the instructors, there was a time when we were using outdated teaching methods and facilities. However, Gered Gereedschap has helped us acquire new and modern skills, including the use of computer and ICT skills. This has not only improved our teaching but also the way we convey the course content to our students.”

How has the improvement in equipment in the fashion department affected the education?

Florence: “Before we received support from Gered Gereedschap, we didn’t have enough sewing machines, which made it difficult for students to gain practical experience. Now, every student has access to their own machine, including electric sewing machines. This has greatly improved the quality of our education. The students can now practice their skills hands-on, which has also translated into better performance during their internships.”

How have your students responded to the changes in the education?

Florence: “The responses have been overwhelmingly positive. My students have told me that they now truly enjoy my lessons. The training I received has enabled me to apply more modern teaching methods, and that has made a real difference. We are now well on our way to effectively implementing the new curriculum, which is also a direct improvement for the students’ learning experience.”


     At Pioneer Technical Institute, we have professionalized the vocational programs in Motor Vehicle Technology and Fashion & Design, equipped workshops with tools and machines, trained teachers, provided scholarships to underprivileged youth, and supplied graduate students with starter toolkits or sewing machines


     Iganga, Uganda
     Comprehensive support, various building blocks
    Field: Motor Vehicle Technology and Fashion & Design

Steun vakmensen in ontwikkelingslanden


They benefited from our support.

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