“I personally experienced the enormous effect of a shipment of tools during my visit to Babungo”, says Wietske Stokvis, chairman of the foundation Stichting Babungo. “Practical training at secondary vocational schools has greatly improved because of the availability of materials for students to practise with”. In fact, there is so much enthusiasm that students are now building their own practical workshops. By supplying these tools, some big steps forward have been made towards improving education.”
Increase economic activities
Wietske regularly visits the projects for Stichting Babungo, to check the progress and quality Stichting Babungo has been actively involved for over 8 years in small scale education projects in the Babungo valley and in Njnikom, in the northwest region of Cameroon. The foundation currently finances the complete education of some 280 students.
“The cooperative of village entrepreneurs also received tools. Under the condition that the students can undertake a period of practical training in their businesses. The entrepreneurs are extremely happy with the quality of the tools. They now meet every Sunday and deposit € 1 towards a new tools shipment. It’s the first time for such a cooperation to take place between entrepreneurs. They borrow each other’s tools. These are definitely all very important developments.” according to Wietske.
With the help of these tools, the entrepreneurs can do a much better job which has a positive effect on the development of economic activities in Babungo and Njinikom.
Structural cooperation
For Stichting Babungo, the shipment of tools does not only mean an improvement for the education projects. It also created much goodwill for the foundation’s activities in the community. “In the past the citizens were a bit reluctant where it concerned the foundation’s activities: they were used to the fact that aid actions usually don’t last. Thanks to the substantial contribution of tools we were able to broaden the support of our projects.”
Gered Gereedschap has a structural cooperation with Stichting Babungo. Two shipments have been received and successfully brought into use by now. Which means a big step forward for the entire community.
They benefited from our support.
Nchifie Thelma
“The tools are very good quality and much safer than the tools I used before.”
Ngaw Jackson
“During practical training we no longer learn only from watching demonstrations but also by doing things by ourselves, supervised by our teachers.”