On this page you will find all the information if you, as an organization from Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania or Ghana, want to work with Gered Gereedschap. A request for support provided by Gered Gereedschap starts with submitting our digital application form. Gered Gereedschap does not accept requests for support via email or other means of communication.
Gered Gereedschap is a Dutch NGO which has been making a consistent effort for craftsmen and women in developing countries for the last 40 years. Projects supported by Gered Gereedschap strengthen technical vocational education and entrepreneurship in Africa. Our support is practical, tangible and comprehensive. From tool sets and machines for schools, fully equipped sewing workshops to the education of technical vocational teachers. All our support is directed towards one purpose: promoting technical craftsmanship as a basis for self-reliance.
Want to know more about our organisation and our programmes we carry out in Africa under the name of EQUIP? Please read more on the Programmes page.
For each project Gered Gereedschap works with local partners. We invite organisations in Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania and Ghana that promote vocational education and entrepreneurship and will benefit from our help to submit an application. In addition, Gered Gereedschap actively approaches (international) organisations for cooperation.
Gered Gereedschap preferably supports vocational training programmes and projects that satisfy demand for the local (labour) market. Schools and projects that promote entrepreneurship and offer further support to young people after their training are greatly appreciated. Preference is also given to gender-orientated projects, projects aimed at marginalised groups, cooperatives, ecological awareness and environment protection.

Individual organisations interested in working with us can apply for support with:

- Our focus countries are: Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana and Malawi. Organisations operating in these countries can apply for support.
- Gered Gereedschap only supports projects in which the target group itself takes the initiative and remains active in the preparation, decision-making and implementation of the project.
- Gered Gereedschap offers free transport of the materials to the nearest international port if the support consists of tools, machines or workshops. For landlocked countries overland transport to a capital can be arranged as well.
- Costs of customs clearance and transport to the final destination are the responsibility of the applicant organisation. Gered Gereedschap neither offers nor mediates in insurance, clearance, storage and/or local transport costs.
- Gered Gereedschap never provides financial support, agricultural equipment or household appliances.
- In the case of the supply of a rental shop and/or multipurpose workshop, the applicant organisation is responsible for the operation. There will be an agreement between Gered Gereedschap and the receiving party in which the rights and obligations with respect to the use, support and reporting are clearly laid down.